(803) 532-3331          info@drwallsfamilydentistry.com



If this is your first visit to Dr. Walls, then it's important to understand the procedures we follow to ensure the best possible care for you.


Your first appointment will consist of a comprehensive exam to review your medical history, diagnose your dental concerns and discuss your treatment options. If you are experiencing pain, then every effort will be made to address your problem during this appointment. However, a complicated medical history or treatment plan will require a more extensive evaluation and possibly multiple visits to correct the problem.

This section of our website describes our policies and procedures regarding Appointments and Appointment changes.


You may schedule your appointment in person; over the phone by calling (803) 532-3331; or by using our convenient online appointment form. 

Payment is due at the time of treatment unless other arrangements have been made. We accept cash, checks, and all major credit cards. For your benefit, please bring your completed insurance forms with you at the time of your appointment.

We accept many different insurance plans so that you can get the treatment you need – when you need it. Our policies outlining how we work with your insurance follow:

When confirming your appointment, we may ask you to fill out and bring one or more of the following forms:

We like to welcome new patients with these special offers as a way of welcoming you to our practice :